While we do love our canine friends, we’re also very wary of the harm that their sharp pointed teeth can do to us. This is why we all need to be careful with dogs, whether they are our pets or belong to other people. The following are some common questions and answers to dog bit attacks. Read through to see if they apply to you.
What should I do in the event of a dog bite?
Get medical attention immediately. This is important so you can get proper treatment first and have the wounds tended to. Then, if the dog wasn’t yours, you should file a personal injury suit against the owner of the dog.
What breeds of dogs are likely to bite and attack?
While all dogs are capable of biting and attacking anyone, the most aggressive breeds include Rottweilers, Pit bulls, Huskies, Dalmatians, Alsatians, Doberman pinschers, and German shepherds.
Is there any law enforcement agency to report the dog bite to?
Right now, there’s no official law enforcement agency. If it’s a stray, the best you can do is call Animal Control to report the dog and ask them to come take the dog away from the area. The police can also remove the dog and send it to Animal Control.
Do I need to see a doctor?
Absolutely. Dog bites are not something to be joked about. While rabies is largely non-existent, the truth is that dogs carry all sorts of bacteria in their mouths.
When you get bit, some of those can be introduced into your bloodstream. Seeing a doctor will ensure that you not only get the wound treated but also get the necessary vaccinations to combat any alien microorganism.
How can I get compensation and how much are we talking about?
This will largely depend on the circumstances and who owns the dog. Legally, however, the owner of the dog is liable. But, if you were trespassing on the property while there was a clear warning sign that there’s a dog in the compound, then you might not get any compensation.
If it is ruled that you qualify for compensation, then that will be dependent on a number of puncture wounds, injuries, lacerations, emotional distress, disfigurement, lost pay, physical pain and so on. Your personal injury attorney will provide you with a ballpark figure –after proper investigation of course.
Are there specific treatments I can get?
Of course. Depending on the affected parts and the nature of the wounds, the treatments can vary from slight sutures to full on surgical procedures. This largely depends on the severity of the injuries sustained. Your doctor would have to proffer the best treatment option.
Can I sue if I was bit on my property by a neighbor’s dog?
Yes, Florida has strict liability laws on dog bites.
Do I have a claim if I was bitten by the owner’s dog whilst working on his property?
Yes, It is assumed that when the owner of a property invites you into his/her home, they would have taken all necessary measures to protect you from any harm, either by their pets or otherwise.
They are also obligated to inform you of the presence of the animal just in case it breaks free or wasn’t properly caged. So, if you get bit while working on someone’s property, you should be able to file a claim against the property owner as well as claim compensation from your employer.
If you still have some questions, get in touch with us at Heil Law and we’ll see how we can answer them as well as get you the necessary compensation that you deserve.
Call today for a free consultation 800-952-1622
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