When you file a claim with an insurance company, you expect them to pay based on your individual policy and premium. Unfortunately, many insurance companies will try any to reduce the value of your claim or deny it altogether. You may be disappointed to learn that insurance employees hope to minimize their losses as much as possible and pay the lowest figures that they can.
When an insurance dispute arises in Central Florida, you need an experienced professional by your side. Contact Attorney David R. Heil to help secure the resolution you deserve. He has years of experience ensuring insurance companies do not take advantage of their clients.
How is my claim assessed?
Insurance companies often use adjusters to determine the amount of your claim. They sometimes perform detailed inspections and ask questions about the claim and the resulting damages. If they have any reason to believe your claim should be disputed, the insurance company may use this as an excuse for lower payouts. You may need your own attorney at this stage of the process to protect your interests.
Types of insurance claims
Disputes with insurance companies can be difficult for a policyholder to manage. People sometimes become so frustrated with the process that they accept any payout, no matter how small it is. An insurance attorney has the time and resources to fight for the reimbursement you deserve. At Heil Law in Orlando, Mr. Heil has a strong reputation as tough negotiator. The most common kinds of insurance claims we handle include the following:
- Storm and hail damage
- Slab leak damage
- Pipe leaks
- Fire
- Theft
- Vandalism
- Sinkhole
Why was my claim denied?
If your claim was denied in Florida, your insurance company may use certain excuses for not giving you the full payout. For instance, they may say that the damage falls outside of your scope of coverage. They may also try to claim that you did not try to file the claim quickly enough. An experienced attorney can evaluate your claim and determine if you have a case. At Heil Law, we have the skills to take on insurance companies and win.
What will an insurance claims lawyer do?
It is important to hire an insurance claims lawyer as soon as possible. By saying or doing the wrong thing right off the bat, people unknowingly jeopardize their claim and can lose the benefits they are entitled to. An attorney is specially trained to act on your behalf with your personal interests in mind. Heil Law personally promises to do everything possible to maximize your insurance claim in Florida.
Contact a trusted Local Central Florida Lawyer
Heil Law is proud to represent people, not insurance companies. If you are worried about attorney costs, you should know that most fees are paid out by the insurance company. According to Florida Statute 627.428, the insurance company must pay a penalty for not paying out a claim when it should have. To get the process started and learn more about your rights, contact Heil Law in Orlando.