fire accidents Archives - David R. Heil P.A. Personal Injury Attorney in Orlando Fri, 18 Feb 2022 15:44:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 fire accidents Archives - David R. Heil P.A. 32 32 Burn Injury Lawyer: What You Need to Know Mon, 13 Jul 2020 13:54:00 +0000 Have you or a member of your family sustained a burn injury? You might be concerned about missing time from work or the rising cost of medical care. If your burns were the result of someone else’s negligent behavior, David R. Heil, PA could get you the assistance you need. Our burn injury attorney, with […]

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Have you or a member of your family sustained a burn injury? You might be concerned about missing time from work or the rising cost of medical care. If your burns were the result of someone else’s negligent behavior, David R. Heil, PA could get you the assistance you need. Our burn injury attorney, with offices in Orlando, Winter Park, and Melbourne, understands how difficult burns can be, especially if they result in future scarring or disfigurement. By calling our office, you may be able to secure compensation for hospital bills, lost wages, and more. 

What is a burn injury?

Burns are usually caused by heat, certain chemicals like bleach or cleaning materials, or electricity. Scalds from hot liquids and fires are the most commonly reported burns in urgent care hospitals and emergency rooms. While some burns can be treated with antibiotic ointment and bandages, most injuries need to be brought to the attention of a medical professional. A physician will be able to assess the damage, provide treatment options, and prevent complications such as infection. Burn injuries can be categorized in the following ways:

Types of Burn Injury

  • First-degree burns: causes superficial damage that affects the top layer of skin. Although these injuries hurt, first-degree burns are likely to heal quickly and with little scarring. 
  • Second-degree burns: affect the first and second layers of skin. Sometimes these burns lead to a red or white appearance along with some blistering. 
  • Third-degree burns: may extend through three layers of the skin and into the underlying tissues below. Victims of these burns require immediate medical attention and take a longer time to heal.

What happens as a result of burns?

Unfortunately, burns can leave lasting effects on patients. Burn victims may require emergency treatment, which can involve surgery or skin grafting treatments. Procedures to address burns can be costly, even with medical insurance. Not only are the initial costs high, but these injuries may be slow to heal. Burns require frequent bandage changes during recovery since they require a clean environment. This means you may be out of work depending on the severity of the burn. 

Once healed, burn victims may also have disfiguring scars that serve as a reminder of their experience. This can lead to emotional and psychological harm as well. When you contact Heil Law in Orlando, Winter Park, and Melbourne Florida, we can review all the different ways your burn injury has impacted your life and ability to participate in everyday activities. Our lawyer, David R. Heil, will work to hold others accountable for their negligence so innocent victims do not have to suffer from burn injuries in the future.

Your next steps 

Burns often result in hospitalization or extensive procedures. It is no surprise that they are among the most painful injuries an individual can sustain. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a burn due to negligence, you may have the right to compensation. You do not have to face the claims process alone – David R. Heil, PA, and his highly experienced team are ready and willing to help. Begin the process of filing a personal injury lawsuit by calling Heil Law in Orlando, Winter Park or Melbourne, Florida today.

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